Help Your Agency Prepare Itself for Catastrophic Weather
Are your aware of our risk management resources related to catastrophic weather? The following can help:
- Emergency Preparedness Insurance Agency Tool Kit – A guide on how to prepare your agency for potential disasters.
- 5 Takeaways from Past Hurricanes – Frequently misunderstood or misinterpreted coverage issues that only come to light after a catastrophe has occurred.
- Hurricanes Often Produce More Floods Claims than Wind Claims – Examples of hurricane-related claims and suggestions on how to avoid these situations.
- Be Aware of the Growing Concern of Insurance to Value – Potential claims issues surrounding undervalued property.
Plus, we offer the Contingent Catastrophe Extra Expense Coverage Endorsement. This is optional coverage available to all policyholders for an additional $100. In the event a catastrophe impacts your agency, this provides extra funds for things like setting up a temporary claims office, overtime, and hiring temporary workers.