Cold temperatures can cause the freezing of water in sprinkler system piping, which can create a serious impairment to a building’s fire protection system. A frozen fire protection system can result in not only fire losses due to the crippled extinguishing system, but also extensive water damage to the building and its contents resulting from burst piping. This handout provides information on methods to prevent the freezing of systems and precautions to reduce the risk of fire if a system freezes.
Impairment of fire protection systems due to freezing pipes can subject a protected property to significant losses. The following, as a minimum, should be considered to prevent or reduce the likelihood of a frozen system:
In the preceding decade, a number of losses occurred, where antifreeze-based, residential sprinkler systems were suspected of accelerating fires, which were the subject of extensive research by several organizations, including the Fire Protection Research Foundation (FPRF). NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, published by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), provides requirements for the use of antifreeze solutions in sprinkler systems including:
CH-25-54 | 3/16/23 | Copyright © 2023, ISO Services, Inc.
The information contained in this publication was obtained from sources believed to be reliable. ISO Services, Inc., its companies and employees make no guarantee of results and assume no liability in connection with either the information herein contained or the safety suggestions herein made. Moreover, it cannot be assumed that every acceptable safety procedure is contained herein or that abnormal or unusual circumstances may not warrant or require further or additional procedure.