Business owners need to protect their businesses from potential costly motor vehicle accidents involving hired or non-owned vehicles. Hired autos are the vehicles a company rents, leases, or borrows for business purposes.
Non-owned autos are vehicles that employees personally own and use to conduct business for their company.
Whenever possible, you should only allow drivers to use company-owned vehicles. However, you may find your business relying on employees using their own vehicles, which can expose you to significant hired and non-owned automobile liability.
Businesses will need to take steps to manage this liability exposure. The following best practices can help.
Driver Qualifications
Drivers of personally owned/leased vehicles should meet the same qualification requirements as drivers operating businessowned vehicles.
- Ensure the driver has a valid driver’s license and obtain a copy (front and back).
- Obtain a Motor Vehicle Report (MVR) for all drivers under 25 years of age from the state DMV. Do this upon hire and annually thereafter.
- Conduct a road test of all employees who drive on company business. This provides management a means to determine if the employee is a safe driver.
- Only allow designated employees to drive.
Employees who do not meet minimum established company criteria should not be allowed to operate vehicles for the business.
- Drivers should be required to provide evidence that they maintain insurance on the vehicle, and the business should keep this information on file. In addition, businesses should consider adding “non-owned auto liability” coverage to their own insurance.
- Personal auto insurance limits of at least $300,000 is preferred. Consult your agent regarding limits.
- The employee’s policy should name the business as an additional insured.
Company Policies
Employees operating vehicles on company business should be required to comply with all driving-related laws and regulations and any business-specified policies, including:
- Distracted and aggressive driving. Cell phones should not be used while driving.
- Drug and alcohol use.
- All occupants of vehicles operated for business purposes should be required to be secured in a safety belt.
- Employees should be required to sign acknowledgements that they will abide by company driving policies.
- Vehicles must be registered. If required, they must have a current inspection.
- Require employees to maintain their vehicle in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommended service guidelines.
Motor Vehicle Accidents
- Employees operating their owned/leased vehicles on company business who are involved in a crash should be required to immediately report the incident to management.
- Details of the crash should be recorded by the company in the event the company is involved in future litigation.
- Drivers should exchange the following information:
- Driver information – the other driver’s name, address and phone number
- Vehicle information – plate number and the make, model, year and color of the vehicle
- Insurance information – carrier name, policy number, effective dates
- Witness names and contact information
- The driver should contact their insurance company as soon as possible.
For additional information visit uticanational.com or contact your local risk management representative.
5-R-1415 | Ed. 12-2021
This information and any attachments or links are provided solely as an insurance risk management tool. They are derived from information believed to be accurate. Utica Mutual Insurance Company and the other member insurance companies of the Utica National Insurance Group (“Utica National”) are not providing legal advice or any other professional services. Utica National shall have no liability to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damages alleged to have been caused, directly or indirectly, by the use of the information provided. You are encouraged to consult an attorney or other professional for advice on these issues.